Travel Advisor

Advisor - Gabrielle Gallo

Gabrielle Gallo



  • Europe,
  • United States,
  • City Travel,
  • Digital Nomad Travel

Based in

Chicago, IL

Languages spoken

English, Spanish

Profile details


A passionate globetrotter turned travel agent, dedicated to curating unforgettable journeys, embracing diverse cultures and inspiring wanderlust in others through expertly crafted travel experiences.

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Travel style

An avid wanderer in constant pursuit of breathtaking landscapes, adrenaline-fueled adventures, international cityscape delights, culinary escapades and the enriching tapestry of global cultures.

As a new travel advisor, I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you, sharing my unwavering passion for travel, my love for exploration, my zest for adventure and my appreciation for the world's natural beauty. Let's craft unforgettable experiences together!

Favorite hotels

Gabrielle's travel photos

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Get in touch with Gabrielle

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You can normally expect a response from Gabrielle within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Gabrielle Gallo

Travel Advisor

Gabrielle Gallo